My Profile
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Note: We will never share your address or contact information with anyone. For more information, visit our Privacy Policy.

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Note: If you do not add a profile photo, you will not appear in the user search.

IMPORTANT: After adding a profile photo, make sure to scroll down and click the green "SAVE" button

You are a Verified Member

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Note: We will never share your information with anyone.

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Becoming a verified member offers potential clients a sense of security.
It's a simple process: 

Begin by paying the verified membership fee: 

This is a one-time fee and is the cost of running a background check. If you would like to keep your verified member status up-to-date, you may submit for another background check as frequent as you feel. We typically suggest once a year at minimum.

After purchasing the verified membership, you will be directed back to this profile page and you will see a button that leads to the "Encrypted Form" that needs to be filled out:

This form is a secure, encrypted form. None of your information will be used for anything other than processing your background check.

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